Hydrate Your Summer with Infused Waters

Hydrate Your Summer with Infused Waters

Discover the Importance of Drinking Water and the Benefits of Infused Waters

We all know that we should drink eight glasses of water daily. But, dare we say that most of us do not? Water is essential and crucial in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water, and staying hydrated is vital for our bodies to function properly. However, drinking water can be "boring ."Infused waters can provide an exciting way to enhance flavor and nutritional value. Together, let's explore the significance of drinking water and the advantages of incorporating infused waters into your routine.

10 Benefits of Water and Infused Waters

Hydration – Adequate hydration is crucial for optimal bodily functions. By regularly consuming water, you are supporting digestion, circulation, temperature regulation, and nutrient absorption. Insufficient water intake can lead to fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty concentrating. Prioritizing hydration helps maintain overall health and well-being.

Body Functions – Water plays a key role in various bodily processes. It aids in digestion by facilitating food breakdown and nutrient absorption. Additionally, water transports oxygen and nutrients to cells, eliminates waste, and lubricates joints, reducing injuries.

Weight Management – Water can contribute to weight management efforts. As a calorie-free beverage, choosing water over sugary drinks reduces overall calorie intake. Furthermore, drinking water before meals creates a sense of fullness, curbing overeating tendencies.

Energy Boost – Proper hydration enhances energy levels and combats fatigue. Water facilitates the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells, providing the energy needed for optimal physical and mental performance. Sipping water throughout the day promotes sustained energy and increased productivity.

Skin Health – Optimal water consumption is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Hydrated skin appears more youthful and elastic. Water also aids in eliminating toxins, reducing the risk of skin issues such as acne. Infused water, enriched with antioxidants and vitamins from fruits and herbs, offers additional skin benefits.

Detoxification – Water plays a role in the body's detoxification process. It helps eliminate toxins and waste through urine and sweat. Infused waters featuring ingredients like lemon, cucumber, or mint may enhance detoxification due to their natural cleansing properties.

Flavor and Variety – Infused waters provide delightful flavors and options. You can enjoy refreshing and flavorful beverages without added calories or artificial sweeteners by infusing water with fruits, herbs, or vegetables. This promotes the enjoyment of water and encourages consistent hydration.

Antioxidant and Nutrient Intake – Infused water offers a rich source of antioxidants and nutrients. Fruits like berries, citrus fruits, and kiwi are packed with antioxidants that protect cells from harmful free radicals. In addition, herbs like mint, basil, or rosemary add essential vitamins and minerals to the water.

Improved Digestion – Certain infused water, such as those made with ginger or cucumber, aid digestion. Ginger alleviates indigestion and may help reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, while cucumber hydrates and supports a healthy digestive system.

Stress Relief – Infused water could have a calming effect on the body and mind. Ingredients like chamomile, lavender, or lemon balm promote relaxation and reduce stress. Incorporating infused water into your routine provides a refreshing and soothing choice.

It's no secret that water is essential to our bodies. However, water can become a plain and boring beverage option. We have a few suggestions and flavor combinations to add spark and spice to your summer waters.

How to Make Infused Water

Lucky for us – it's pretty simple. So, grab your H2O and your favorite container, and let's get started.

  1. Combine your favorite ingredients in a pitcher of water. There are countless combinations, so mix and match your favorite vegetables, herbs, fruits, and spices. *Use fresh ingredients and always wash your produce before use.
  2. Cover the Container. Pop a lid on your pitcher or jar, or cover it with plastic wrap.
  3. It's important to keep your water cool to prevent it from spoiling. Many prefer to infuse overnight but be sure to remove solids after 12 hours. Once strained out, your water will keep for up to three days. (Assuming it lasts that long).

**Not all infusions are created equally. Fruits like apples and pear benefit from longer steeping periods, while citrus fruits get the job done instantly.

Now that you know how to infuse water, here are a few extra-refreshing infused water recipes to get you started.

Summer Fruit Medley


½ c. strawberries, hulled and sliced

½ c. whole raspberries

½ c. whole blackberries

2 quarts of water

Citrus & Cucumber


½ c. cucumber, sliced

½ lemon, sliced

½ lime, sliced

½ orange, sliced

2 quarts of water

Lemon, Ginger, & Tumeric

This blend is a fantastic pick-me-up if you're feeling under the weather.


1 tbs. turmeric powder

4 slices peeled fresh ginger

½ lemon, sliced

2 quarts of water

Lavender & Strawberry


½ c. strawberries, hulled and sliced

3 sprigs organic lavender

2 quarts of water

Apple, Rose Petals, & Chamomile


½ Granny Smith or Fuji apple, thinly sliced

1 handful fresh, organic rose petals

1 handful fresh, organic chamomile

2 quarts of water

Fig, Rosemary, & Fennel


½ c. Mission figs, halved

5 sprigs rosemary

½ fennel bulb, thinly sliced

2 quarts of water

Lemon Verbena & Blueberry


½ c. fresh blueberries

6 sprigs lemon verbena

2 quarts of water

Blood Orange, Star Anise & Clove


1 blood orange, sliced

5 clove buds

5 star anise pods

2 quarts of water

Cantaloupe, Mint, & Lemon

*You can substitute cantaloupe for honeydew or watermelon, or use all three!


5 sprigs fresh mint

½ lemon, sliced

½ c. cantaloupe, cubed

2 quarts of water

Nectarine, Basil, & Clementine


8 slices of nectarine

6 fresh basil leaves

3 slices of clementine

2 quarts of water

These recipes are just a jumping-off point to get you started on infusing waters. You can experiment with endless combinations to keep you looking and feeling refreshed and hydrated all summer!

Pure Ingredients & Big Ideas

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